ArthGanak Financial Services - General Insurance

"Protect future financial losses"

General Insurance Sabse Jaroori Hain - Why?

General Insurance

We always tends to generate assets so that those can help us in our bad time. Imagine a situation where your assets gets distroy, damage, stolen, lost or something happens to your assets, you may or may not in a situation to reown same type of asset like House, Flat or car etc. So general insurance is the solution which gives protection to such assets. In case any loss due to from fire, flood, storm and earthquake, to theft, car accidents, lose in travel - also in case of legal action.

Medical Insurance (Mediclaim) is also an important segment of General Insurance offering. Medical Insurance protect your financial losses against hospitalization or medical emergency. That is why Life Insurance is called as "General Insurance Sabse Jaroori.".

Life insurance is essential to plan long term fund creation with low or norisk. There are variety of investment plan which offers insurance and funds creation.

What is General Insurance?

Anything other than life insurance is categorized as General Insurance.

Reasons to buy General Insurance cover mainly include ...

  • To Protect you from financial losses
  • To ensure your own and your dependent's health
  • To safeguard your family
  • To Save you from mental pressure
  • Helps to lead a stress-free life.
As we cannot predict mishappening or accidents or misfortunes. We can be prepared by taking right general insurance covers.

Types of General Insurance

General insurance policies are for short term durtion (mostly 1 year).

The most common general insurance covers are:

  • Travel Insurance - Cover travel expenses and losses.
  • Motor Insurance - To cover all your motor vehicals.
  • Household Insurance - To cover your house / flat / real estate.
  • Other Insurance - To cover various business or individual needs.

There are other products also based on your needs like Fire, Marine, Cancer Medical cover, Machinery, Liability cover, Assets cover etc.

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Medical / Health Insurance

A Health Insurance protects from heavy medical costs in situations of emergency. Having a health insurance is inevitable because of the sedentary lifestyle. A Mediclaim / Health insurance provide cover against all medical expenses like hospitalization, tests & diagnosis cost for medical treatment. A Health Insurance protect your savings & investment against heavy medical cost in case of medical emergency. You can opt for Cash less claim or reimbursement claim for medical treatment. You can get the tax benefit under section 80(d) for premium paid for medical insurance. Also you can opt for medical policy to cover specific deceases like cancer and other costlier medical treatment.

Motor Insurance

Motor or Vehicle insurance is mandatory under the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988. The Motor insurance covers the financial loss due to accident, theft, natural disasters etc. Motor insurance is applicable to all 2 wheeler, 4 wheeler and any commercial vehicle. Motor insurance offers 2 types of covers. first is full or comprehensive which covers all types of damages and losses of owner and driver or passengers in the vehical. The another category is third-party insurance, this is mandatory. For car owners, it is more crucial as accident can happen at any point of time. If insured the policy can cover all the damages your vehicle might cause or incur

Travel Insurance

Everyone likes to International travel. Although we take mostly for international travel, we can avail travel insurance for dometic travel. The travel insurance policy covers the medical expenses in case there is medical emergency during travel. Not only medical cover, the travel insurance cover losses like Loss of passport, Baggage loss, Personal accident, trip cancellation, emergencies while traveling, accidental death, Risks while visiting foreign countries, Trip delay etc.

Home / Household Insurance

Household or home insurance is not compulsory. The Home or house or real estate is biggest and costlier investment and which need to be insured against unpredictable damages and impact your home. The cost of repairing a house after natural calamity is costlier, so it is important to insure your own house. Household insurance covers against natural disasters (like fire, lightening, flood, storm, earthquake), man-mae calamities (like burglary, terrorism, theft, strikes, riots), etc. You can also cover to pay the construction cost. Land is not covered in the insurance.

Other Insurance

Above listed are most popular plans offered under General Insurance umbrella. These mainly includes Personal Accident, Liability Insurance, Marine Hull, Fire Insurance, Office Protection, Shop Keeper, Loss of Profit Insurance (MB), House Holder, Set of Rural Insurance policies etc. These policies are mainly related to busines or particular profession or sector.

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